Welcome to my website!
This is where I present myself and my work as a life coach – and where I hope to share some thoughts and start interesting discussions with you on just what the title says – life as an adventure.
Because that’s how I basically perceive life: It is an adventure, a journey. It is neither “good” nor “bad” as a whole, and there is no one, unchanging purpose I can see – except for living the experience of it fully and growing through it. The more you flow with that, accepting it and trying to shape it (or shape yourself according to what is needed at that moment), the more you will be at home in your life. The more you will be able to receive what you need and to contribute what you have to give. The more authentic, easy and magical your encounters with other people will become. The more you will be at peace with the events of your life.
Like any adventure, life is unpredictable, and it may demand that we expand our limits and that we give it all we’ve got. This may be painful and difficult, but it has also proven to be infinitely enriching.
I have come to appreciate this perspective a lot over the years, and I invite you to join me in learning about it, creating it in different aspects of your life, and seeing how it spreads to your surroundings.
Here’s to life’s great adventure!